Looking for a script/system that will be able to import an auto dealer's inventory through their individual dealer management systems by API, XML or CSV and export it to a website that will display their inventory form. Can you realise that ?
Yes, we do.
Please, tell me more infos about your XML importer for Presta (tehnical desc, how it works...) and it will be grate if you can show me some kinde of XML example which is OK (compatible) with your module for Presta.
Importing module isn’t standard Prestashop module, it works independently on prestashop installation. It has its own administration interface, where you can assign your supplier’s categories (contained in xml file) to your Prestashop store categories, and also assign margins for imported products.
What is the price for import module ?
Every importing module has to be prepared first to match your supplier’s xml file structure. Price for module depends on complexity of such xml file and varies from 400 to 1200 EUR, which is final price including preparation of module, uploading and testing it on your server and of course fixing potential problems. If you will send us your xml feed (sample will be enough), I will send you price for importing module for your store.
How does the installation of this module? Will only work for the products chinabuye or for other distributors as for example pandawill. I saw that chinabuy also offers feeds for updates stock and out of stock. How I'm gonna deal with this in the future?
The module works only with Chinabuye xml data feed. Every wholesaler has another format of XML data feed. Unfortunately, Pandawill hasn’t got a XML data feed – there is necessary to grab every item from their website. Importing module automatically inserts new products, also updates existing ones (previously imported), and even hides products that were imported before, but are no longer in  Chinabuye xml feed (for example they are discontinued, etc).
If I understand correctly in this module the updating of the new products is automatic and also the updating of products in stock and out of stock is automatic via RSS. So I do not have to worry about updating the data feed, right?
Scheduled data import makes sure that your online store will be up-to-date (stock levels, prices, etc…) without your intervention.
Would you be able to tweak the import module to work with Joomla 2.5 and Virtuemart 2.0?
Yes, we can modify import module to VirtueMart 2 or another version. Every version has different table.
Do you have a solution for suppliers where isn't possibility to obtain a XML Data Feed ?
We made a grabber for product extraction from HTML website. Out grabber is able to extract product data from FocalPrice, DealExtreme, PandaWill, SportsDirect etc.
What type of services for dropship do you offer ?
There are two distinct modules: Importing module and dropshipping integration. Importing module imports products from your supplier, update their stock, price, etc. Dropshipping integration module automatically create an order at your supplier’s store when order is made on your store by your customer. If you are interested on dropshipping integration only, so the price will be only for this module.
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