Product description: Dropshipping Integration Service for Online Stores
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The Dropshipping service saves your time with order management between your online store and wholesaler. The service automatically changes order statuses in administration interface of your eshop solution and sends emails alerting important events like „order was shipped“, „order was cancelled“, „order was received by customer“. Subsequently,  you can see the new statuses for each order in administration of your eshop.

For this service for we provide XML Import Module for synchronization of products with your online store based on PrestaShop, Magento, OpenCart,  ZenCart, CS-Cart, X-Cart or WooCommerce platform.

Each wholesaler has a different type of communication protocol (SOAP, REST, XML-RPC) of his system. It is necessary to adapt our module to your eshop, as well as the beforementioned communication protocol. This service is included in our integration services.

Before the launching of Drop Shipping service for your eshop, it is important to sync every product with the wholesaler or dealer. This is guaranteed by the  scheduled Import Module for online store.

The information below will guide you how to use Import Module, Setup Service and Dropshipping Service.

Steps of Dropshipping Service

Populate the articles in your online store

For this goal serves Import Module. It is necessary to specify the following:

  1. to know where datafeed source like XML, CSV or TXT  from your wholesaler is located. The source has to contain all items for the synchronization with your online store.
  2. to decide if you want to make categories in eshop by yourself or to replicate the category tree according to the datafeed source
  3. to decide what parameters of products you want to insert. Frequent parameters are name, code, description, photos, availability, amount of items in the wholesaler’s stock.
  4. to define rules for parameters (field mapping, category mapping, currency conversion or modification of availability of products – it is necessary to define what happens when a product isn’t available in the wholesaler’s stock.

Sending orders to wholesaler or dealer

  1. we prepare your eshop for communication with wholesaler system via XML-RPC, WebServices or SOAP documented protocol. The main reason is synchronization of orders and their statuses. It will be perfomed by automatical task (CRON task) at server side. An email can be sent to the customer when the wholesaler has shipped the order.
  2.  the testing period takes 1 to 2 weeks. During this time it is necessary to send a few orders to the wholesaler and synchronize your mutual requests.

Benefits of DropShip integration in a nutshell

  • Integration and synchronization with an accounting software of supplier or dealer (updating of the stocks and prices)
  • Instant allocation of stock to your orders
  • Automation of order processing from your online store
  • Track orders to delivery – follow order progress from submittal to delivery
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